Service management is "what we do". It saves our clients from potentially tricky situations, and the consequences of important business relationships breaking down.

Here are some reasons why 4orty2 can help:

  • We remove the emotion - sometimes both parties are too close to an issue to see a way out, we help cut to the chase.
  • We provide an independent viewpoint - injecting a balanced assessment of an issue.
  • We remove the potential for embarrassment.
  • We take away the stress of dealing with a difficult and potentially costly problem.
  • We tackle an issue in less time than it would take for the majority of our clients to deal with an issue themselves - this saves time, stress and money.
  • We prevent deadlock - focusing on a win-win outcome for both parties.
  • What starts out as a crisis can be turned into an opportunity - with the right skills and the right approach - you'd be surprised at some of the outcomes we have achieved.
  • We are experienced in what we do, and approach every situation with professional expertise.
  • We have a knack for seeing the potential for success and failure in any situation; it's what we are good at.